US Diesel Engines Chip Tuning

US Diesel Engines Chip Tuning

In today’s article, we will talk about US diesel engines and US diesel engine chip tuning. Let’s see what are the best US diesel engines and what is the best tuning solution for each of them:   Cummins US diesel engines chip tuning Cummins manufactures a complete...
What Is The Best Tuning Software?

What Is The Best Tuning Software?

Have you ever been wondering what the best tuning software for remapping your vehicle is? Well, in today’s article we will show you TOP 3 tuning software and their advantages:   WinOLS software WinOLS tuning software is created for efficient modifying and...
Best OBD and Bench Tuning Tools

Best OBD and Bench Tuning Tools

OBD and Bench tuning tools are the topic of today’s article. We will show you what are the best and most popular On-Board-Diagnostics – OBD and Bench tuning tools also called flashers. Let’s take a look at them:   OBD FLASHERS: KESSv2 KESSv2 is one of...
+20 ECU Tuning Solutions – Part 2

+20 ECU Tuning Solutions – Part 2

As we mentioned in our previous article “+20 ECU Tuning Services & Solutions”, Effective Tuning has a long experience in ECU remapping. Some of our ECU tuning solutions are related to EDC15, EDC16, EDC17, MED17, DELPHI, MD1, MG1, SIEMENS, DENSO, SID remap, etc....
+20 ECU Tuning Services & Solutions

+20 ECU Tuning Services & Solutions

We, from Effective Tuning, have more than 10 years of experience in ECU remapping (electronic engine control unit). Our ECU Tuning services and solutions include many ECU types as EDC15, EDC16, EDC17, MED17, SIEMENS, DELPHI, DENSO, SID, MD1, MG1 remap, etc. Not only...
ECU Tuning: All Types of ECUs

ECU Tuning: All Types of ECUs

ECU tuning (electronic engine control unit remapping) is the process of modifying or reprogramming the engine software of a vehicle to change default parameters. The role of the ECU is to be as a heart of the engine – it controls the exhaust system, fuel supply and...