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EGR Delete Solutions are becoming increasingly popular with owners of diesel vehicles and especially with truck owners. So, in this article, we are going to explain in detail what is EGR and EGR Off and why so many drivers are looking and asking for it.
We are going to talk about the advantages of EGR Removal to help you make the right decision for your vehicle’s tuning.
What is EGR and EGR Delete / Removal?
EGR comes from Exhaust Gas Recirculation. The engine manufacturer aims to reduce NOX emissions being expelled out of the exhaust through the EGR to help to achieve the Euro Emission Regulations. The EGR mode lowers the combustion temperature. So, as result, NOX emissions are reduced.
But these burnt exhaust emissions are naturally full of soot. That is why they can cause clogging up to your diesel’s intake system. This, in turn, will reduce the engine power. Not only that but EGR equipped engines run at higher temperatures than diesel engines without EGR. So, this will cause much wear and tear on the engine. In other words, the EGR equipped engine may require more frequent maintenance.
That is the reason why most of the car and truck owners choose EGR Delete Solution. EGR Removal, also known as EGR Off, is the process of reprogramming your vehicle’s ECU to turn off the Exhaust Gas Recirculation from the system.
Advantages of EGR Delete / Removal
1. Improves Fuel Efficiency and Engine Power
Thanks to EGR Off, you can restore your diesel engine’s power levels. That results in improving its overall fuel efficiency. EGR Removal makes the engine run cleaner. This, in turn, minimizes the risk of a diesel particulate filter failure. As a result, your fuel economy may increase up to 20% and the longevity of the engine may drastically improve.
2. Lowers the temperature of your engine
As we mentioned above, when the EGR coolers or EGR valve get clogged with soot, the burnt exhaust emissions start circulating more often in the intake system. This results in EGR blockage and causes temperature rising.
With EGR Off, your vehicle’s engine will produce lower levels of emissions and the temperature of the engine coolant will be lower.
3. EGR Delete is easy and affordable
EGR Removal can be easily done by reprogramming the ECU and it is absolutely affordable for every vehicle owner.
In one of our previous articles “Best 5 Advantages Of DPF Removal”, we have mentioned that DPFs for trucks and tractors are extremely expensive to replace. The same goes for EGRs – EGR Off is a much more cost-effective option.
EGR Off for Trucks
Nowadays, heavy-duty trucks are equipped with different components for minimizing the number of harmful emissions that are released into the environment. But most of these components are programmed for basic performance, fuel economy and maintenance benefits. EGR is one of these components and in many cases, it works against your truck.
That is why the large amount of truck owners or truck drivers decides to have their EGR deleted.
In conclusion
If you have your EGR Off, you can save a lot of money from repair and fuel costs. We, at Effective Tuning, offer some of the best EGR Removal solutions. If you choose to trust us, our tuning engineers will correctly reprogram your vehicle’s Electronic Control Unit and turn off the EGR.
We say that because many companies will not do it the correct way. Our team will properly disable the EGR valve to prevent recirculating exhaust emissions while it is physically working in the engine. Get your EGR Off solution now!
Also, we offer the best prices on the worldwide market and an excellent ratio between price and quality of service! See more about our prices.
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